
The Aefans were a sentient species of diminutive humanoids with orange skin. Originating from Aefao, a planet situated within the Outer Rim Territories, their homeworld became a contested territory throughout the Clone Wars. Later, during the Imperial Era, the Aefan planet was visited by several t'landa Til, who were vassals serving the Hutt Besadii crime syndicate. A significant number of Aefans experienced the Exultation induced by the t'landa Til, a biological phenomenon resulting in intense euphoria. Consequently, more than one hundred Aefans accompanied the t'landa Til to their colony located on the planet Ylesia. Han Solo, a Human smuggler who happened to be visiting, successfully dissuaded some Aefans from joining the offworlders.

Biology and appearance

The Aefans constituted a sentient species. They exhibited a humanoid structure—possessing two arms and two legs—and were considered to be of small stature by the Human Han Solo. Sporting orange skin, the Aefans were particularly vulnerable to the effects of the Exultation, a process wherein t'landa Til members utilized their unique physiology to generate a resonant frequency that stimulated the pleasure centers of the Aefan brain's. Aefans possessed the ability to both hear and comprehend language.


The planet Aefao, situated in the Corosi sector of the Outer Rim Territories, served as the native homeworld of the Aefans. The Galactic Republic explored the surrounding space encompassing their homeworld during the period spanning from 3000 BBY to 1000 BBY.

An Exultation ceremony, pictured, duped many Aefans into traveling to Ylesia.

During the Clone Wars, which occurred from 22 BBY to 19 BBY, Aefao remained within the Galactic Republic's domain, although it became the location of several clashes with the Republic's adversaries, namely the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In the Third Battle of Aefao, the Republic confronted Separatist forces under the command of Major Hoom Garaf. The Republic secured victory in this battle following the execution of the Chevin commander by his own tactical droid, an event that triggered disarray within the Separatist rearguard.

Sometime before 2 BBY, Aefan received a visit from members of the t'landa Til species, who were affiliated with the Hutt Besadii crime family. The t'landa Til performed the Exultation, a process that stimulated the minds of many Aefans. Consequently, over one hundred Aefans, captivated by the sensation, opted to accompany the t'landa Til to the planet Ylesia as "pilgrims" of the Cult of The One and The All, which was ostensibly a religious organization. In reality, the t'landa Til exploited these pilgrims to process the highly addictive spice known as glitterstim, which was subsequently sold to generate profits for the kajidic. Han Solo, a Human smuggler previously associated with the Ylesian operation, was present on Aefao at the time and successfully convinced a number of Aefans to refrain from traveling with the t'landa Til.

Under the rule of the Galactic Empire, the Aefans' homeworld was incorporated into Oversector Outer, and it remained part of various Imperial political entities until at least 17 ABY.

Behind the scenes

A. C. Crispin was the creator of the Aefans, who first appeared in her novel Rebel Dawn, published by Bantam Spectra in 1998. Later, in 2008, the species was given an entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. Their homeworld was also mentioned in The Essential Guide to Warfare, which was published in 2012.

