Han Solo is seen observing the cult on the planet Ylesia.
During the era of the Empire, the Cult of the One and the All was a massive fraudulent scheme orchestrated by the Besadii Hutts.
The concept originated with Aruk the Hutt, who envisioned establishing a religious sanctuary on the planet of Ylesia. His plan involved attracting numerous humanoid pilgrims, who were suffering under Imperial rule and desiring a better existence. Upon arrival, these pilgrims were compelled to dedicate their lives to spice production, ostensibly as a means of self-improvement through diligent labor. Subsequently, the Besadii exported this spice throughout the galaxy, which constituted a significant portion of the kajidic's revenue in the years preceding the Battle of Yavin. Additionally, pilgrims were sometimes sold into slavery, particularly to the Galactic Empire.
The central element of this religion was a phenomenon referred to as Exultation. This was initially a biological trait utilized by male t'landa Til—a sentient species closely related to the Hutts, residing on the same homeworld—to attract females for mating purposes. However, Aruk discovered that many humanoids exhibited extreme sensitivity to this phenomenon, reacting to it as if it were a narcotic substance. Recognizing the immense potential of Exultation, he dispatched t'landa Til throughout the galaxy as "missionaries," who would then unveil the power of Exultation as a "divine gift," inviting individuals to journey to Ylesia as "pilgrims." Consequently, thousands of humanoids were deceived and lured into voluntary servitude within the spice mines.
The precise doctrines of the religion remain obscure, with vague allusions to "the One and the All," possibly referencing the spiritual interconnectedness of the galaxy. However, the specific beliefs held minimal significance; Aruk himself admitted to simply "making up some doctrine, composing a few hymns, writing up several chants and litanies" and combining them with the Exultation to create the facade of a genuine religion.
In 10 BBY, Han Solo uncovered the Ylesia scam while briefly employed as a pilot for the t'landa Til. Teroenza, the high priest, believing Solo to be a strong-willed individual unconcerned with the welfare of the pilgrims, disclosed the deception to his new pilot, boasting of his own ingenuity and ridiculing the gullibility of his followers. Solo, however, was appalled, particularly as he had developed romantic feelings for Bria Tharen, a fellow Corellian among the pilgrims. He revealed the truth to Tharen, and together they escaped Ylesia, absconding with Teroenza's yacht and his collection of antiquities, while also killing Zavval the Hutt, Aruk's representative, during their escape.
Despite the years it took her to overcome the addictive effects of Exultation, Tharen resolved to do so and was equally determined to permanently shut down the Ylesian spice operation. Beginning in 5 BBY, Bria Tharen, now a commander within the Rebel Alliance, orchestrated multiple operations against Besadii slave transports, freeing numerous "pilgrims" and providing them with rehabilitation services. Subsequently, in 0 BBY, she spearheaded a Rebel commando strike on Ylesia, with transportation provided by Han and other smugglers and funding partially supplied by the Desilijic kajidic, Besadii's fierce rivals, resulting in the killing of the t'landa Til priests and the complete dismantling of the operation.