The Agarians, a species of sentient beings with an exceptionally long lifespan, originated from fungi. Essentially, they were sentient mushrooms capable of changing both their size and the quantity of their limbs.
Lacking eyesight, they possessed heightened senses of smell and hearing, the ability to perceive air currents and the heat signatures of living beings, and the capacity to sense vibrations from all objects. Their survival depended only on a small amount of sunlight, and they had no need for oxygen. As a defense mechanism, they could emit a gas that induced sleep and launch explosive seedlings. To traverse the vacuum of realspace, they transformed into enormous seedlings, seeking out planets suitable for establishing colonies. The name given to them by Auric and [Rhyssa Graf](/article/rhyssa_graf] is misleading, as they did not evolve on the Wild Space planet known as Agaris; instead, they colonized that world many millennia prior to the reign of the Galactic Empire.