Alirra Semhess

Alirra Semhess, a Human female who served as a Doctor within the Galactic Republic, lived during the time of the war against Zakuul. In 3631 BBY, after the Eternal Empire's Empress Vaylin met her end and the Eternal Alliance was established, she took charge of a renegade group of Republic scientists. They secretly toiled away on the X7-Cratus space station. They fraudulently secured funds from a Republic endowment meant for disease research and treatment, but the group was instead focused on the development of experimental adrenals. An anonymous scientist sent Doctor Rahser Poth encoded messages which allowed him to create RAK-5 serum. This serum was then further refined into the RS-33 adrenal. This adrenal significantly boosted a subject's strength and agility, but at the cost of their mental capabilities. In reality, both RAK-5 and RS-33 were derived from the Rakghoul plague, making them highly unstable. Eventually, Theron Shan's Eternal Alliance operatives uncovered Semhess and her clandestine project. A strike team was dispatched to X7-Cratus with the goal of preventing RS-33 from becoming a widespread threat. Semhess tried to use RS-33 enhanced subjects to repel the invaders, but during their confrontation with Marlon Fenn, the station's containment systems were breached, and RAK-5 serum began to leak into the atmosphere. This resulted in the transformation of both RS-33 test subjects and personnel, including Icarr Ko and Nyris Ko, into Rakghouls. When the Alliance strike team finally confronted Alirra Semhess, she placed the blame for the contamination on them and attempted to fight them off. However, she too succumbed to the infection and transformed into a rakghoul. After eliminating her new form, the Eternal Alliance secured the station's containment systems and brought the project to an end.

Behind the scenes

Alirra Semhess is a character in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne, where she serves as the final boss in the "Trial and Error" Uprising.

