Alor-Wan, a male Mystic hailing from Voss, lived during the era of the Cold War. This Voss Mystic foresaw the destruction of Voss culture at the hands of the Sith Lords belonging to the re-emerging Sith Empire. Consequently, upon the arrival of Kallig on Voss, Alor-Wan dispatched a Voss representative, Sor-Nak, with a demand: that the Sith Lord reverse course. This demand was refused by the Sith Lord, leading Sor-Nak to depart, explaining that Alor-Wan had anticipated their inability to prevent Kallig through force. Despite the actions of the Voss, Kallig proceeded to exploit a Voss mind-healing ceremony to dominate four Force ghosts. The ultimate impact of Alor-Wan's prophecy on the Voss remains uncertain.