
Amar, alternatively referred to as Amara, served as the original homeworld for the Amaran species, situated within the Amar system.


During the era of the New Republic's governance, the indigenous Amaran people had established a settlement on Naboo, where they pursued occupations as traders and salespersons.

Behind the scenes

The initial mention of Amar occurred in the The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia released in 2008. Subsequently, Daniel Wallace, a co-author of The Essential Atlas reference book from 2009, clarified in a comment on the Jedi Council Forums hosted by that Amar was understood to be identical to "Amara," a name previously cited in "The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Marvel Series." This article was authored by Rich Handley and Joe Bongiorno and appeared in the November 2000 inaugural edition of the Star Wars Gamer publication.


Notes and references
