Ambush on Red Squadron

During the time of the Galactic Civil War, Arhul Narra, a Commander of the rebel Red Squadron was caught in an ambush by the forces of the Galactic Empire. As a result of this surprise attack, Narra, along with other pilots of Red Squadron, died.

Behind the scenes

Star Wars Helmet Collection 3 makes reference to the Red Squadron ambush within canon. This particular conflict began as an engagement in the Derra system within Star Wars Legends, taking place before the Battle of Hoth. The idea of a pre-Hoth ambush at Derra was later brought into canon through the book Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy. To date, no source has connected the battle from Star Wars Helmet Collection 3 with the battle described in Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy, as they were connected in Legends continuity.


  • Star Wars Helmet Collection 3 (Databank A-Z: Wedge Antilles–Azmorigan) (First mentioned)

Notes and references
