The Amulet of Kalara, a Sith amulet, was imbued with dark side power. It was rumored to grant invisibility within the Force to whoever held it.
Crafted around 1960 BBY, this Sith amulet emitted a palpable sense of wicked joy when sensed through the Force.
Lumiya tested Ben Skywalker, a Jedi apprentice, by assigning him the task of recovering the amulet. It was located within Lando Calrissian's collection of art and artifacts at the Tendrando Arms facility on Drewwa, a moon orbiting Almania. Prior to Skywalker's arrival, Faskus Olvidan from Ziost had already absconded with the amulet. Despite this, Ben Skywalker eventually managed to acquire the Sith artifact and deliver it, along with a Sith Meditation Sphere, to Jacen Solo.
In 2007, when questioned about the possibility of the Amulet of Kalara's return in subsequent Star Wars content, Sue Rostoni, the editor for Star Wars: Legacy of the Force, expressed her belief that "[t]he amulet, itself, was not that meaningful," suggesting its future reappearance was improbable.