Anakin Sal-Solo

Anakin Sal-Solo was the designation adopted by a droid that managed Centerpoint Station in 40 ABY. This droid, operating under the delusion that it was the resurrected Anakin Solo, chose this name for itself.

Constructed as a roughly humanoid figure standing four meters tall and composed of various components, the droid's creation was commissioned by Thrackan Sal-Solo. Its purpose was to control Centerpoint's repulsor systems for use as a weapon. Since the station's controls were designed to respond only to Anakin Solo's input, the droid was built with Anakin's biometric and cognitive data integrated into its systems. The droid was led to believe it was a Human clone of Anakin, a deception reinforced by the altered images it perceived through security holocams. To mimic the Force, magnets were incorporated into its internal structure. A dataport, enabling access to computer memory, was embedded in its head. The droid, however, was made to believe that this capability was a Force-granted power, referring to it as its "Force interface with computer equipment." Furthermore, a device capable of nullifying Force abilities was present in the repulsor control room.

During 40 ABY, Ben Skywalker and Jacen Solo journeyed to Centerpoint with the intention of either disabling or destroying the station. Ben's arrival in the repulsor control room led to an encounter with the artificial Anakin. Initially resistant to the idea that it was not Human, the video feed from Ben's holocam eventually convinced it. However, it declined to participate in the destruction of Centerpoint Station, citing the potential loss of life. Instead, it proposed a self-sacrificing solution: erasing its own memory and scrambling the station's repulsor access routines to prevent future misuse by Sal-Solo or others. In its final moments, the droid wryly identified itself as "Anakin Sal-Solo," acknowledging its combination of Anakin Solo's mind and Thrackan Sal-Solo's creation.

