Within the Ando system, a star system found in the Lambda sector of the Mid Rim and the Slice region of the galaxy, resided Andando, the system's innermost planet. This world, sibling to Ando, orbited its star, also named Ando, and possessed no moons. Following the Aqualish war, which occurred several decades after the species achieved space travel, Andando suffered immense devastation. The Aqualish systematically plundered the planet's natural resources and transformed its surface into a sea of molten rock, rendering Andando completely uninhabitable.
The initial, though indirect, mention of Andando occurred in Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races. This Star Wars Legends supplemental material, authored by Troy Denning for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, was released on June 1, 1989. Its formal identification came in the "Ando: Planet of the Walrus Men" article, a "Planet Hoppers" piece penned by Cory J. Herndon for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game and published on July 3, 2003. The location of the Ando system, and consequently Andando, within grid square Q-15 was established in The Essential Atlas. This reference work was co-written by Jason Fry and Daniel Wallace and saw its release on August 18, 2009.