Ando (star)

Ando, a star, shone brightly within its star system, bearing the same designation. This system was nestled in the Mid Rim of the galaxy. Three planets circled the star: Andando, [Ando](/article/ando/legends] accompanied by its pair of [moons](/article/moon/legends], and Ando Prime. Furthermore, the Ando system encompassed both a small planetoid and an asteroid field.

From the surface of Ando Prime, Ando appeared to be yellow. When the monks from the mystical Order of Dai Bendu boarded the Tho Yor [starship](/article/starship/legends] that rested on the planet, the star was visible in the skies of Ando Prime. [Eons](/article/time/legends] later, Ando was once again observed on multiple occasions from the planets Ando and Ando Prime, as well as the system's planetoid.


Within the Lambda sector, a region of the galaxy spanning the Mid Rim and the Slice, existed Ando, a star anchoring its star system of identical nomenclature. Three planets journeyed around this star: Andando, a world of molten rock rendered barren and uninhabitable by an Aqualish species civil war; the oceanic planet Ando, complete with its two moons; and the frozen world that is Ando Prime. The Ando system also featured a small planetoid with a single moon, positioned near the inner edge of an asteroid field. As seen from Ando Prime's surface, Ando had a yellow hue, and the sunlight reflecting off the glass-like surface of Ando's oceans was extremely intense.


The star Ando was orbited by the planet of the same name.

Around 36,453 BBY, Ando became visible through the sky of Ando Prime when the Tho Yor starship, which had been situated on the planet's surface for a certain time, invited the local monks of the Order of Dai Bendu to enter it. Thousands of years later, during the Clone Wars, while the Republic Military was assaulting a Separatist base within the Ando system, the star cast a faint light upon the distant planetoid where the base was located. Around the time of the battle on Ando Prime during the same period, the star was observed during sunset on the snow-covered world.

In the decades that followed, observations of Ando were made on several occasions from the planet bearing its name. Two such instances occurred during the reign of the Galactic Empire. One involved an Aqualish Myinyar meeting with a Human female, seeking to purchase the rare alloy sedrellium from him. The other involved the pirate ship Majestic attacking the fishing vessel Nanda's Luck. Furthermore, when the Gambit, a space yacht carrying a team of Rebel Alliance operatives, approached Ando and entered its atmosphere, the agents were almost blinded by the intense reflection of Ando's sun in its oceans. In 26 ABY, the Khommite Jedi Knight Dorsk 82 witnessed the sun of Ando while protecting a group of droids in the city of Imthitill from a mob of local Aqualish intending to destroy them.

Behind the scenes

The star Ando was introduced in Creatures of the Galaxy.

Ando made its debut in "Courier's Deal," a brief companion story featured in the 1994 sourcebook Creatures of the Galaxy, a supplement for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Later, Ando was portrayed in the Star Wars Roleplaying Game web supplement "Ando: Planet of the Walrus Men," released on the Wizards of the Coast website in July 2003, which provided the star's official name.

"Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder Where We Are," a 1990 roleplaying game source article published in Voyages SF 13, situated the Ando system, and thus the star Ando, within the "Imperial Core" sector. Given that this article was published outside the Lucas Licensing process, its canon status within the Star Wars Legends continuity was never established. Subsequently, the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Ando system in grid square Q-15, relatively distant from the galaxy's Core Worlds, and the Online Companion to the book further superseded the Voyages SF 13 placement by confirming the system's location in the Lambda sector.

