Antibacterial nanofoam

A product designed for hygiene, antibacterial nanofoam, served the purpose of fighting bacteria, and could be utilized during showering. The Imperial stormtrooper known as TK-421, who was stationed on the Death Star battle station in 0 BBY, inadvertently recorded a complaint using the MSE-6 series repair droid designated MSE-6-G735Y. In the recording, he lamented that the constant wearing of his helmet was damaging his skin, resulting in a significant pimple. Following this, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin viewed the holorecording after the droid bumped into his ankle. Consequently, he dispatched the droid back to TK-421 carrying both a message and a supply of the antibacterial nanofoam. The stormtrooper then recorded a reply, stating his intention to use the delivered product while showering.

Behind the scenes

The short story titled "Of MSE-6 and Men," penned by Glen Weldon and featured in the 2017 collection From a Certain Point of View, included the appearance of antibacterial nanofoam.

