Aramadia (Super Star Destroyer)

Aramadia was a Super Star Destroyer of the Imperial navy, utilized by the Duskhan League.


Similar to all Super Star Destroyers, the Aramadia possessed a wedge-like warship design and stretched for several kilometers, at minimum. A clandestine slave circuit system was integrated into the vessel, linking it to various Imperial ships seized by the Yevethans. Upon activation, this system would seize control of the vessel, enabling remote operation.

Historical Information

Following Nil Spaar's use of the lead ship of the Aramadia-class on his diplomatic mission to Coruscant, one of the captured Super Star Destroyers from the Black Fleet was deployed in the Battle of N'zoth, also bearing this designation. This particular Aramadia functioned as one of Nil Spaar's flagships, although a different commander oversaw it during the battle, as Spaar was aboard the Pride of Yevetha at that juncture.

This ship, alongside the Pride of Yevetha and seven additional Imperial ships, was reclaimed by Imperial forces under the command of Sil Sorannan when they staged a revolt against their Yevethan captors. After arriving in the Deep Core, Sorannan and his contingent seemingly abandoned the vessel.

Subsequently, the ship was salvaged, decommissioned, and transported by the Yevethans to N'zoth. There, it was situated within a restricted area of the Hariz Downside spaceport and maintained as an inspirational symbol for future generations of Yevethans.

One of its cargo holds was transformed into a trophy hall, and the ship was repurposed as a museum, showcasing artifacts like a pair of Jedi lightsabers and the Eye of Deth, a green gem. It was asserted that these valuable items had been acquired during the Yevethan Purge.

