Archivist Zumeg held his office within a chamber of the Temple of the Kyber, which itself resided in the Holy City situated on Jedha. This room served as the workspace for the Archivist known as Zumeg. Circa 382 BBY, Zumeg and fellow archivist Feric Oranalli were joined by the Jedi Knights Vildar Mac and Matthea Cathley in this office. Their purpose was to examine the records from the temple's security cameras in an attempt to identify any unauthorized individuals who might have been involved in the theft of the Firebird of Colsassa. Concurrently, the former Guardian of the Whill arrived at the temple, also intending to review the camera logs. However, upon reaching the office, he discovered a bomb positioned outside. As he handled the explosive device, Mac sensed his presence and turned to see Sirrek holding the bomb. Utilizing the Force, Mac pushed the bomb away from Sirrek, causing it to explode and breach the temple wall. Following the explosion, Mac used the Force to shield the two archivists from the blast. Tragically, Zumeg later passed away due to the incident, and Mac sustained injuries.