Ariss Lyjan held the position of Moff within the Galactic Empire, overseeing the Nuiri sector located in the Outer Rim Territories during the era of the Galactic Civil War.
Ariss gained notoriety due to his penchant for gambling, a habit that frequently led to both financial and political predicaments. He enjoyed a friendly relationship with Grand Moff Tarkin, whose influential position within the Empire provided Lyjan with advantages and access to the prestigious Sabre Club, an exclusive VIP establishment within the Ace of Sabres casino that he frequented.
Possessing the spirit of a gambler, he frequently embraced risks and employed unconventional tactics when navigating political landscapes or strategic military scenarios, actions that most Imperial officers would typically avoid. He also exhibited an inflated sense of his own capabilities, a weakness that could be exploited, as demonstrated when he incurred a debt of 50,000 credits to Lando Calrissian.
In his role as Moff, Ariss commanded the authority and resources of an entire sector. He demonstrated above-average leadership skills in both command and governmental administration. Whether stemming from his personal wealth or his political connections, he maintained a substantial 25,000 credit credit line for his use at the casino.
Paul Danner and Bill Smith conceived the character of Ariss Lyjan for Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy, a supplementary material for the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game published by West End Games in 1997.