Arissa Fawn

Arissa Fawn held the rank of lieutenant within the Imperial forces. Stationed on Starlyte Station as an liaison officer, her moral compass was quite flexible, to say the least.


Initially, Fawn belonged to the Sub-Adult Group, where she was a zealous supporter of the Emperor's New Order. She later became a member of the Galactic Empire through enlisting in the Imperial Army. Her career progression stalled, leading to her assignment as the Imperial Liaison to Starlyte Station, a position that offered little opportunity for advancement.

Her command consisted of a single, lackluster platoon of stormtroopers. Known as the Emperor's Irregulars, this unit, while fiercely loyal and disciplined, was remarkably inept and thus relegated to the most remote assignment possible.

As time passed, Fawn grew disillusioned, realizing the Empire did not align with the ideals she was taught by the Sub-Adult Group. Consequently, she lost her belief in the Emperor and his regime. She began accepting substantial payments from Talandro Starlyte, the station's owner, in exchange for overlooking his extensive black market activities.

Personality and traits

Once a fervent and enthusiastic supporter of the Empire, she now contemplated desertion or even joining the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Two factors prevented her from acting on these thoughts. First, her ambitious and ruthless second-in-command, Brezzic Marr, and second, Talandro Starlyte, whose charm and generous bribes could not mask a sinister undercurrent that Fawn sensed.

Skills and abilities

Her training as an Imperial Army officer included proficiency in blasters and unarmed combat. She also received basic instruction in leadership and command. However, her overall skill set was notably average.


In addition to her standard Imperial uniform, Fawn wore body armor and carried both a blaster pistol along with a datapad. She spent her illicit earnings on fine clothes and jewelry for her personal use.

Behind the scenes

Paul Danner and Bill Smith created Arissa Fawn for Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy, a supplement for the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game released by West End Games in 1997. Joe Corroney provided the illustrations.

