Arkadia's museum

Arkadia's museum was a site of historical importance, a museum situated within the city of Calimondretta on the planet of Syned. Arkadia Calimondra, a Sith Lord, founded it during the New Sith Wars period. In 1032 BBY, the Jedi Knight Kerra Holt and Calimondra convened within its walls. Later, the mercenary group known as Rusher's Brigade launched an attack on Calimondretta, resulting in damage to the museum.


The museum occupied a spacious chamber, and its exhibits were presented within small, raised alcoves constructed into the room's walls. Among the displayed relics was a translation device once employed by Supreme Chancellor Fillorean of the Galactic Republic during dialogues with the Duinuogwuin species. Also featured was a holorecorder utilized to document an interview with the philosopher Laconio. A diamond bit, used by a slave in a crystal mine during the Great Hyperspace War, was also present. Finally, a fusioncutter used by a Sith trooper to infiltrate the Endar Spire, a Republic Navy Hammerhead-class cruiser that served in the Jedi Civil War before being destroyed while in orbit around Taris, was on display.

