Assault (transports)

Assault group consisted of two Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transports utilized by the Alliance to Restore the Republic throughout the Galactic Civil War. After the Alliance managed to strand the Imperial EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate named Priam in the vicinity of Kalla VII, General Jan Dodonna issued instructions for a "board and capture" mission targeting the Priam.

Following the disabling of the ship by an attack from Gold Squadron's Y-wings, the Assault group facilitated the deployment of commandos from Alliance Special Forces to seize control of the vessel. Subsequent to the capture, Lambda-class shuttles belonging to the Panda group transported the new crew to the ship, while transport group Jordi delivered essential provisions. With all transports having completed their tasks, the Rebel forces, accompanied by the recently acquired frigate, initiated a jump to hyperspace.

