Attack of the Jedi

"Attack of the Jedi," which was broadcast on Cartoon Network on November 27, 2013, marks the third installment in the LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles series.

Opening crawl

Plot summary

The narrative commences on Geonosis, a planet engulfed in a fierce conflict between the forces of the Jedi and the Sith. With the strategic guidance of Yoda, the Grand Army of the Republic begins to gain ground, gradually forcing back the Separatist Droid Army. This droid army is under the command of Count Dooku, Grievous, and the Sith, including figures like Darth Maul and Asajj Ventress, leading to a retreat of the battle droids. During the battle, the young Padawans step up to assist Yoda, C-3PO, and R2-D2, playing a crucial role in overcoming the separatist leadership. Following the battle's conclusion, Anakin Skywalker inquires of Yoda about the implications of their victory on Geonosis. Yoda responds affirmatively, indicating that the outcome would be celebrated with a "medal ceremony."

The scene shifts back to Coruscant, where the aforementioned medal ceremony is underway. Palpatine expresses his dismay, lamenting that the Sith's plans have once again been foiled by "four children, two droids and an 800 year old green guy," adding under his breath, "life isn't fair," while the rest of those present celebrate.

The story then moves to Mustafar, where Dooku, Grievous, and other Sith Lords and followers are devising a new scheme: the establishment of a Dark Padawan Academy for the Dark "Badawans." These Badawans immediately begin to mock their teacher, highlighting the rhyming nature of Dooku's name with "doo-doo." Darth Maul intervenes, emphasizing the Sith's qualities of viciousness and vengeance, but also their adherence to decorum. However, the Badawans trick him into checking his wristwatch, causing his lightsaber to ignite unexpectedly. Unbeknownst to the Sith, Commander Cody has been spying on them and relays their location back to the Jedi.

On Coruscant, amidst a Senate debate over the location for the 'WE'VE WON THE WAR PARTY' the Jedi inform the senators, along with Chancellor Palpatine, of the Sith's presence on Mustafar, suggesting a surprise attack. Palpatine concurs, instructing all Jedi to proceed to Mustafar, hoping the ambush will result in their downfall. Later, in his private office, Palpatine communicates these developments to Dooku. When Palpatine questions the readiness of the Badawans, Dooku admits they are challenging but assures his master that the new Disciplinary Officer Poggle the Lesser will manage them. However, Poggle's mother tongue becomes a source of amusement for the Badawans, who mock its association with popping and toilet humor sounds. An unamused Palpatine instructs Dooku to await his arrival. His plans are nearly compromised when he almost reveals his true identity to the Jedi. The Jedi, in turn, decide to accompany Palpatine to ensure his safety, much to the Chancellor's displeasure.

On Mustafar, Dooku prepares a welcoming reception for his master, informing the Badawans that the "evilest man ever" is coming to impart a lesson. After an extended wait for Palpatine, Dooku grows anxious and dispatches Grievous to locate him.

In orbit above Coruscant, the Republic fleet prepares for departure to Mustafar. As Anakin declares, "This is the day the Sith will finally be conquered," Palpatine attempts to justify the Sith's actions, much to the astonishment of his crewmates. His plans are almost exposed when Grievous contacts him, addressing him as Lord Sidious in the presence of Republic personnel, leading Palpatine to vehemently deny any knowledge of Grievous. The Jedi pursue Grievous, but he escapes as the Republic ships collide. With the majority of the Republic ships destroyed, the Chancellor, Padawans, C-3PO, and Yoda head for Endor, where Jek-14, the only individual who can assist them, resides. Initially hesitant, Jek eventually agrees to help, swayed by their childish charm. The Jedi and Jek then set off for the wreckage of the fleet, while Palpatine is stranded on Endor with C-3PO, much to his annoyance.

While Grievous is communicating with Dooku via hologram, the Count orders him back to Mustafar. However, Grievous, observing the Badawans' behavior, decides to continue searching for their Sith commander, much to Dooku's frustration.

Back above Coruscant, Jek swiftly repairs the Republic fleet, merging all the ships into a single, massive vessel. On Endor, Palpatine endures torture while listening to the Ewok song. He reaches his breaking point, stealing Jek's ship and abandoning C-3PO. However, Grievous shoots down his ship, mistaking Palpatine for Jek.

Returning over Coruscant, the Jedi express their gratitude to Jek for his invaluable assistance and depart. Jek is torn, contemplating whether to assist the younglings. After much deliberation, he decides to aid them and immediately sets course for Mustafar.

On Mustafar, Sidious and Grievous arrive in Grievous' star-fighter, and the Sith Lord quickly disciplines the Badawans by electrocuting them. Sidious attempts to prepare the Sith for the impending battle against the Jedi, unaware that their ships are landing. Realizing the situation, he swiftly transforms back into Palpatine and instructs the Jedi to attack the Sith. A fierce battle erupts between the Jedi and Sith; the Jedi deploy a squad of Clones, but the Sith ambush them from behind, quickly eliminating them. Meanwhile, Palpatine throws a grenade onto the Jedi ship, destroying it. The Sith advance, nearing victory, when Jek arrives and defeats them. The Jedi and Republic soldiers then return to Coruscant.

Upon the Jedi's return home, the Padawans organize a party in Jek's honor. Everyone cheers enthusiastically, except for Palpatine, who weeps at the podium. His mood improves when he notices Anakin Skywalker also crying, feeling unappreciated despite being the Chosen One. Palpatine consoles Anakin, slowly regaining his trust, and begins to believe he can groom the young Jedi as his future Sith apprentice.

