Attack on Otoh Langua

Otoh Langua, a small city inhabited by the Gungan species on the planet of Naboo, suffered an attack from the Trade Federation's droid army during the Invasion of Naboo, similar to the fate of most Gungan settlements. Oma Prumba, a [militiagung](/article/militiagung] who lived through this attack, later fought in the Battle of Naboo and shared [her](/article/gender] story.


OOM-9 speaking to Viceroy Gunray on his search for the Gungan cities.

While the Trade Federation [occupied](/article/invasion_of_naboo] the planet Naboo, and following the capture of Theed, [Commander](/article/commander] [OOM-9](/article/oom-9], an OOM command battle droid, dispatched [troops](/article/troop] to scout out the different Gungan villages on Naboo and notified Viceroy Nute Gunray that it was unlikely they would remain undiscovered for an extended period.

