Around 3642 BBY, which marked the beginning of the Galactic War between the newly formed Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, Republic forces rescued the infamous Jedi Master Revan. Revan then journeyed to the Foundry, an ancient Rakatan installation in space, with the aim of constructing a droid army to obliterate the Empire.
As preparations were underway for an imminent attack targeting the Foundry, the Harrower-class Dreadnaught known as the _White Nova_ laid an ambush for the Dorin's Sky, a Thranta-class corvette transporting essential supplies and reinforcements to the space station. After the White Nova's tractor beam ensnared the corvette, an Imperial strike force infiltrated the warship, eliminating the Republic officers in command and seizing control. The captured vessel was subsequently employed to circumvent the Republic blockade and infiltrate the Foundry ahead of the White Nova and the rest of the Imperial fleet.
A strike team from the Empire, backed by Imperial troopers, gained entry to the Dorin's Sky through an airlock. Advancing through the ship's decks towards the bridge, they engaged in combat with Republic troopers, battle droids, and Jedi. During their advance, they overcame the HXI-54 Juggernaut, Major Alvena and her supporting combat droids, Jedi Master Sakan Do'nair alongside a pair of Jedi healers, and Lieutenant Menerus.
As the conflict raged, Captain Yelto, the ship's commanding officer, recognized the impending defeat of her forces and initiated the self-destruct sequence. Compelled to act swiftly, the strike team confronted Chief Engineer Kels in the reactor control room, defeating him and his power droids before proceeding to the bridge. Commander Jorland and a squad of supporting soldiers defended the bridge. Despite employing a personal energy shield, Jorland was killed, and the strike team secured control of the vessel.