In the year 228 BBY, a glaka root processing facility controlled by the Nihil was assaulted by the Jedi Order in conjunction with the resistance fighters of the planet Aricho. The purpose of this attack was the freeing of enslaved laborers, primarily children, who were being exploited by Nihil marauders seeking control over the world. The Jedi contingent, which included Jedi Knights Yacek Sparkburn and Lyssa Votz, alongside Padawan Imri Cantaros, had been assisting the Arichoans, under the leadership of Jaffrey Knoice, in their resistance against the Nihil occupation, which occurred after Aricho was isolated behind the Stormwall within the Nihil's Occlusion Zone. Furthermore, Protocol droid J-6 appeared with a squad of K droids and Jedi Knight Vernestra Rwoh, who was instrumental in the capture of Nihil commander Kara Xoo as she tried to escape.