Balia Alloo, a Human Meatlump, resided on the planet of Corellia during the era of the Galactic Civil War. After the Battle of Yavin, Alloo conducted operations from the Meatlump Hideout located within Coronet City. In the year 1 ABY, Balia Alloo became aware of a sudden surge of anger among her fellow Meatlumps. Alloo proposed to a spacer who had gained entry to the hideout that they undertake the task of uplifting her fellow Meatlumps. The spacer agreed to motivate the Meatlumps, many of whom were craving physical affection or acknowledgement of their achievements. Consequently, the spacer scoured the hideout, seeking out at least a dozen disgruntled Meatlumps and offering them hugs, smiles, applause, and other forms of positive reinforcement.

Balia Alloo was featured as a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This massively multiplayer online roleplaying game was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before it shut down on December 15, 2011. Balia Alloo's inclusion in the game was part of the "Meatlumps Theme Park," which was introduced with "Chapter 10: The Search for the Meatlump King," released on June 19, 2008.
With each server restart, Balia Alloo's appearance and gender were randomly altered, yet Alloo was always shown as a Human.