Bantha patty

Bantha patties represented a type of foodstuff crafted using banthas, which are large, furry mammals belonging to a unique species. These patties originated on the moon of the planet Neral, situated within the Corellian sector, and were suitable for feeding the klinnet, a species creature living in the moon's canals.

During 11 BBY, when Princess Rinetta Gan from the planet Hynestia made a visit to Neral's moon, she was presented with a bantha patty by a food peddler. Despite the food peddler's assurance of their quality and suitability for the klinnet, Princess Gan chose to reject the offer.

Behind the scenes

Within the current Star Wars canon, the existence of bantha patties was referenced in the junior novel Lando's Luck, released in 2018 and authored by Justina Ireland. Conversely, bantha patties initially emerged within the Star Wars Legends timeline, specifically appearing in the 2009 novel titled Death Troopers, penned by Joe Schreiber.

