Barbatash: An Overview
At the time of the Night of Sorrow in 382 BBY, Barbatash held the rank of Elder within the Path of the Open Hand cult. During the aforementioned Night of Sorrow, Barbatash managed to flee the Path compound located on Dalna via a shuttle. By 231 BBY, Barbatash had risen to the position of Elder within the Elders of the Path community, which was a successor group to the Path of the Open Hand. He was regarded as an ancient being by this point, and he sustained his community until he discovered a sanctuary for them on the planet Trymant IV. Barbatash was significantly taller than humans, and he was characterized by four eyes with lengthy lashes, as well as long, shaggy arms that he used to support himself. Following the Emergence event of the Great Hyperspace Disaster that transformed Trymant IV into an unlivable desert, Barbatash chose to stay on the planet, even as his community's population and supplies decreased.