Bardelberan 7

Bardelbaran, alternatively referred to as Bardelberan 7, was a planet situated within the Mid Rim, specifically at coordinates J-6 of the Standard Galactic Grid. During the time of the Imperial Era, Bardelberan 7 housed an Imperial Garrison, and the pirate known as Hondo Ohnaka was at one point involved in an event there.

The light freighter named Millennium Falcon was hailed by an Imperial TIE/sh shuttle in 10 BBY after it departed from the planet Galagolos V. The shuttle informed the smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca that they were possibly harboring a suspect connected to the Bardelberan 7 incident. Solo initially suspected Mahjo Reeloo, but she claimed to have never been to Bardelberan 7. Solo then came to the conclusion that Ohnaka was actually the wanted individual. The location of Bardelberan 7 was later recorded on a map featured in the book titled Traveler's Guide to Batuu, authored by the historian Eloc Throno and released in 34 ABY.

Behind the scenes

The junior novel Pirate's Price, penned by Lou Anders and brought to publication in 2019, marked the initial mention of Bardelberan 7.

