Neks, sometimes referred to as Cyborrean battle dogs, were ferocious, underdeveloped creatures resembling dogs that were developed on Cyborrea by the Cyborreans.
Initially, they were created to serve as living weapons during the conflicts that plagued Cyborrea, but they later became sought-after commodities on the black market. The neks received armor and cyborg augmentations. These enhancements eliminated fear in the canines, enhanced their combat skills, and gave the nek's controller the ability to command the animal during battle.

King Frane of Rutan employed them for hunting kudana. King Frane's youngest offspring, Taroon, attempted to use altered seeker droids to obliterate the kennels housing the neks. This was all an elaborate plot to incriminate his elder brother Leed and prevent him from inheriting the Rutan throne. His scheme was foiled when Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi informed him that a friend of his was currently taking care of the neks in the kennels.
During the events of the Imperial Civil War that took place on Coruscant in 10 ABY, scavenger factions utilized neks to repel adversaries. On Ziost in 40 ABY, Ben Skywalker suffered an attack from a group of wild neks, which resulted in one nek's death and injuries to two others.
A common curse on Nar Shaddaa was: "Nek take it." Enormous stone neks served as decorations at the entrance of the academic hospital situated on Carida. Dark Jedi Maw possessed a unique skill of sensing fear and tracking down fugitives or escapees; another Dark Jedi, Yun, who held Maw in low regard, compared him to a Nek battle dog.