The Bespin conflict transpired during the era of the Clone Wars. Jedi Master Glynn-Beti commanded the Republic forces, who suffered an initial defeat. The Confederacy of Independent Systems initiated an assault on Bespin, targeting its tibanna gas refineries. These facilities were vital to the Galactic Republic as they provided fuel for the turbolasers on their capital ships, leading the Separatists to view Bespin as a key Republic weapons production site. Ultimately, the Separatists emerged victorious. Despite this initial loss, the Republic later reclaimed Bespin, and the two factions engaged in ongoing skirmishes there for the duration of the Clone Wars.
The initial reference to the Battle of Bespin, and the Republic's loss, can be found in a cutscene following the final mission on Rhen Var within the Star Wars: The Clone Wars video game that was released in 2002. This account aligns with information presented in other publications, such as The New Essential Chronology, which was published in 2005. However, the narrative in The Clone Wars: Decide Your Destiny: Tethan Battle Adventure leaves the battle's conclusion somewhat ambiguous. Master Glynn-Beti instructs the reader to assist in the city's evacuation; alternative storylines depict the character fleeing with Raan Calrissian amid the ongoing conflict. Adding to the confusion, The Clone Wars Campaign Guide, published in 2009, suggests a Republic triumph, describing "a series of minor orbital engagements, along with extended aerial battles within Bespin's upper atmosphere," that lead to an eventual Republic success.