Rhen Var

Rhen Var, a planet characterized by its icy landscapes, was situated in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy, in proximity to the Galidraan system.


During the Clone Wars, a widespread conflict across the galaxy, the Galactic Republic sent clone cold assault troopers to this world, troops specifically adapted for survival in frigid conditions.

During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Rhen Var hosted an Imperial outpost. After the corvette Carrion Spike, which had been stolen from the Empire, attacked Imperial facilities within the Galidraan star system, Moff Wilhuff Tarkin considered the planet's outpost as a potential target for the corvette. However, due to the relatively low strategic value of the Rhen Var outpost, Tarkin reasoned that the rebel cell piloting the stolen starship was more likely to target Imperial assets on Nam Chorios.

Sardis Ramsin, a stormtrooper who deserted the Empire, made mention of Rhen Var in an Imperial incident report form, while lamenting the intense heat of the planet Tatooine.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Rhen Var in canon occurred in James Luceno's 2014 novel, Tarkin. However, its initial appearance was in the 1998 Star Wars Legends comic, Tales of the Jedi – Redemption 1.

