The skirmish known as the Battle of Episol took place in the Episol system during 8 ABY. It involved Imperial forces under the command of Moff Kentor Sarne and the forces of the Kathol Republic Navy.
In the year 8 ABY, the Imperial corvette called the Lialic II, disguised as a New Republic ship and operating under the alias Lance of Endor, made its way into the Episol system. Captain Rolf Treidum presented a series of outrageous demands, including the annexation of all Republic planets, a tax rate of fifty percent on all goods and resources, the mandatory sterilization of all colonists, and the replacement of democratically elected officials with appointed New Republic representatives. After setting an unrealistic deadline for compliance, Treidum departed the system and relayed the information back to Moff Kentor Sarne.
Sarne, hoping to delay the FarStar's pursuit through the Kathol Outback, intentionally sent a message on a broad-spectrum transmission, ensuring it would be intercepted and deciphered by the FarStar. As anticipated, the FarStar's crew intercepted and decoded the message, and they immediately changed course for the Episol system, intending to locate and engage Sarne.
The Lialic II made its return to the Episol system and discovered that the Kathol Republic had not met Treidum's demands, which was entirely expected. Citing their "failure," Treidum initiated an attack, destroying one of the navy's ships and severely damaging another, the Marauder-class corvette Bravado III. Treidum had intended to strike several other targets, but the FarStar unexpectedly arrived in the system. Treidum then gave the order for the Lialic II to jump into hyperspace, leaving the FarStar to contend with the Republic forces.
Upon the FarStar's arrival in the system, they picked up a distress signal originating from the crippled Bravado III. As they moved in to provide assistance, they were surprised to learn that the vessel's captain suspected them of being allied with the attackers. Captain Willa Udine of the Bravado III engaged the FarStar's crew in conversation while six additional Kathol Republic Navy ships arrived. Surrounded by the Republic fleet, commander Hendric Faile demanded the surrender of the New Republic vessel, insisting that its crew answer for the actions of their "sister ship," the Lance of Endor. Captain Adrimetrum, wishing to avoid conflict with the Kathol Republic and to clear the New Republic's reputation, chose to surrender. The ship and its crew were subsequently taken to Dayark, the capital of the Kathol Republic, to face trial.