The clashes on Felucia, known as the Battle of Felucia, involved conflict between the Galactic Empire and the native Felucian population. Imperial forces on the planet were under orders to carry out a complete extermination of the Felucians, who had become savage under the influence of the Dark Jedi known as Maris Brood. A large portion of the Felucian people had retreated into the depths of the Ancient Abyss, leading to the construction of a Sarlacc stabilizer. This structure was intended to facilitate entry into the Sarlacc, allowing Imperials to round up and eliminate any surviving Felucians.
During the conflict, Brood captured Senator Bail Organa, who had traveled to Felucia in search of Jedi Master Shaak Ti, unaware of her death a year prior. Galen Marek, the secret Sith apprentice serving Darth Vader, arrived later to rescue Organa. This intervention resulted in significant casualties on both sides of the battle.
Following the assassination of Jedi Master Shaak Ti, the planet was left undefended, and the Galactic Empire moved in to establish control. Maris Brood, stranded on Felucia, succumbed to the dark side energies of the planet, influencing the Felucian tribes as well. The Imperial forces on Felucia now considered the Felucians a savage race and sought to eliminate them. The ensuing conflict was a deadly stalemate, with neither side gaining a significant advantage.
Felucian survivors either fought against the Imperial forces or sought refuge within the massive Sarlacc residing in their Ancient Abyss. To eradicate these remaining Felucians, the Empire built the Sarlacc stabilizer to contain the creature. This structure included a central elevator, three bridges, restraints for the Sarlacc's tentacles, and three power generators. The stabilizer allowed access to and navigation within the Sarlacc, mitigating the danger of being digested, largely due to the Sarlacc's immense size.
AT-STs were deployed to the planet as reinforcements, arriving in capsules launched from the Imperial fleet in orbit. Incinerator stormtroopers and Heavy stormtroopers formed the bulk of the Empire's ground forces, along with Purge troopers. In response to the Empire's deadly tactics, the Felucians effectively employed Rancor mounts.
Galen Marek used Leia Organa, whom he had saved from Kashyyyk, as leverage to contact Bail Organa for help in forming an army to oppose the Emperor. Organa was last known to be on Felucia, searching for Shaak Ti, whom Starkiller had recently fought. The Senator's whereabouts had been unknown since. With the aid of Master Rahm Kota—nearly revealing his indirect role in Organa's situation—Starkiller journeyed to Felucia to locate the missing Senator.
Upon the Rogue Shadow's arrival, Starkiller unwittingly found himself in the midst of a battle between Felucians and stormtroopers, both suffering heavy losses. Moving through the decaying landscape, now marked by Imperial presence, Marek encountered another skirmish—this time between Imperial forces and Organa's guards. Intervening on behalf of the latter, Marek eliminated the Imperials before inquiring about Organa's location.
He destroyed at least two AT-STs, deployed from AT-ST drop pods, as he advanced towards the Sarlacc stabilizer. Sensing the creature's suffering, he released it from its restraints and activated the main lift, searching its stomach for Organa. Having lost communication with Juno Eclipse inside, he encountered both Imperial and Felucian forces. Upon reaching the creature's lung, he was ejected.
After being expelled from the sarlacc, Marek once again found himself amidst the ongoing conflict between the Felucian natives and the Imperial occupation forces. It was here that Marek observed the Felucians utilizing their Rancor mounts against the Empire's advanced technology. Caught in the crossfire, Starkiller was compelled to fight both sides, as well as a Rancor mount.

He eventually arrived at the rancor graveyard, where Senator Organa was being held captive. As Marek freed Bail Organa, the Senator informed his rescuer that Shaak Ti's apprentice had become corrupted. It was then that they were confronted by Brood, who claimed that she was not insane, but had embraced the power of the dark side. Marek attempted to dissuade her, stating that he did not wish to harm her, but she retorted that he would not succeed, as her new pet would prevent it.
A battle ensued, with Starkiller focusing his efforts on the massive Bull Rancor. He ultimately defeated the creature using the Force, causing it to crash to the ground and fall into an underground chamber.

Now alone, the two Force users clashed over the senator. Maris Brood proved to be a formidable opponent in her attempts to eliminate the young Sith apprentice. In an attempt to kill Starkiller, she hurled one of her lightsabers, but Starkiller caught it and turned it against her. Furthermore, lacking allies, she resorted to using her Force cloak abilities to conceal herself from Starkiller, but this resulted in her being struck by lightning.
Defeated, Maris pleaded for Starkiller to spare her life, arguing that she was defeated and there was no need to kill her. She further claimed that it was not her fault, as she had been driven mad by Shaak Ti's abandonment on Felucia. Galen allowed her to escape, and she fled into the planet's forests. After freeing the senator, Organa remarked that Maris reminded him of another Jedi who had fallen to the dark side, and that Galen should not have allowed her to escape. However, Marek replied that she would never be free, as she would be haunted by the memories of her actions on Felucia.
With Organa rescued, Starkiller brought him aboard the Rogue Shadow, where they discussed plans for a rebellion against the Empire. Organa and Master Kota discussed Maris' actions, with Organa suggesting that she had been driven to the dark side by Master Shaak Ti's death at the hands of Darth Vader or one of his assassins. Kota mentioned that it may have been the same person who blinded him above Nar Shaddaa. Thinking of Kazdan Paratus, Kota quickly added that he had received no communications or word of him. However, Organa remained unconvinced, believing that open rebellion was too risky and that they needed a sign to demonstrate the Empire's vulnerability. Galen stated that he would meditate on the matter and inform them of his next decision, but to do so, he would need Vader's guidance for his next target.

The initial firefight encountered by Starkiller varies depending on the version of the game. In the PS3/X-box360 version, Starkiller encounters Felucians and Imperial troops. In the PS2/Wii version, the battle is between Imperial Troops and Organa's Bodyguards. Additionally, in the PS2/Wii versions, Starkiller does not enter the Sarlacc, as the Imperials do not establish a base there.
The bull rancor's death differs between the novelization and the comic book adaptation. In the novel, Starkiller enters the monster's mouth and causes its head to explode, whereas in the comic, he jumps on it and impales its skull with Maris's baton.
In the novelization, after Starkiller encounters Imperials, he instructs Juno to reposition the Rogue Shadow. However, the subsequent chapter reveals that the Shadow remained in its original position throughout the mission.