Second mission to Raxus Prime

The operation known as the Raxus Prime Mission was executed by Starkiller, with the objective of obliterating an Imperial Shipyard. The goal was to demonstrate to Rebel leaders that the Empire was indeed vulnerable.

Historical Account

Initial Events

The Imperial shipyard above Raxus Prime

Following the successful extraction of Senator Bail Organa, Starkiller had gathered various individuals who stood against the rule of Galactic Emperor Palpatine over the galaxy. However, these people were hesitant to initiate a direct rebellion against the Empire, perceiving it as an overly dangerous endeavor. General Rahm Kota proposed that a demonstration of Imperial weakness was necessary.

Marek agreed to contemplate the situation and identify a suitable target. However, he secretly consulted with Darth Vader. Vader instructed him to eliminate the Imperial shipyard orbiting Raxus Prime. His strategy involved utilizing the ground facility's Ore cannon to launch a massive projectile composed of molten ore and scrap metal at the shipyard, resulting in its destruction.

Consequently, Galen and the crew of the Rogue Shadow journeyed to Raxus Prime, which was now under firm Imperial control.

Arrival on Raxus Prime

Starkiller on the surface of Raxus Prime

Upon landing, Rahm Kota inquired about any communications originating from the deceased Jedi Master Kazdan Paratus. Upon learning that there were none, and confirming his death, Starkiller displayed no discernible emotion. As he exited his starship, Starkiller observed that the planet was embroiled in a minor conflict involving Imperial forces, the Rodian Salvage Guild, and local Jawa tribes. This situation compelled Marek to defeat any adversaries he encountered, as they were preoccupied with their own battles. He spotted an Imperial dropship transport and proceeded toward the dropship landing platform.

After battling through numerous Rodian heavy defenders and Rodian rippers, Marek began to confront the resident Imperial garrison, which deployed an AT-ST along with stormtroopers via the dropship transport to subdue the Force user. Starkiller, however, successfully defeated these opponents before contacting Juno Eclipse via comm, informing her of the nearby dropship pad and requesting her to override its controls, which she agreed to attempt, requiring some time. While she remotely infiltrated the computer systems, Marek engaged the Imperial forces.

Eventually, Juno successfully unlocked the hangar bay doors, at which point a contingent of Purge troopers along with AT-ST support challenged Starkiller's entry into the facility. After overcoming the Imperial forces, Marek advanced to the dropship pad, where he eliminated numerous stormtroopers aboard an Imperial dropship transport, which he then commandeered to reach the Imperial Ore Facility.

Covert Entry

Upon reaching the upper drop pad, Marek exited the dropship transport, allowing it to crash into the surrounding junk-filled terrain. Subsequently, he attempted to infiltrate the base. Upon entering the hangar bay, Starkiller eliminated the guards before utilizing an elevator to descend deeper into the base, where he killed two Imperial officers. At this juncture, Galen proceeded toward the central ring of the facility, encountering and defeating numerous stormtroopers along the way who were defending the base.

After destroying the shield generators protecting an entrance to the facility, Starkiller descended further into the base via elevator. Employing the Force, Marek realigned the door mechanisms to progress further into the ore refinery. Navigating through various corridors to reach the central ring, Galen was compelled to fight the defending stormtroopers guarding the facility.

At some point, Marek traversed the refinery sections of the facility to reach the central control room. After subduing the guards, he attempted to recalibrate the Ore cannon to target the orbital shipyard. However, before he could complete this task, he was attacked through the Force by one of the Emperor's Shadow Guard dispatched to protect the facility. Supported by a contingent of Shadow Troopers, the guardsmen attempted to eliminate Starkiller. Nevertheless, he managed to kill all the Shadow Troopers and engaged the Shadow Guardsmen in combat. Marek emerged victorious and employed the Force to grip the Guardsmen in the air, launching him into the molten core being prepared at the ore cannon.

Taking another elevator, Galen arrived at an external section of the Imperial base.

Unexpected Adversaries

PROXY running his Darth Maul program during his duel to the death with Marek

As Marek advanced to another location within the facility, he was attacked by another of the Emperor's Shadow Guards. Following a difficult battle against this opponent, Marek managed to defeat the Guardsmen, at which point its appearance changed, revealing Starkiller's droid companion PROXY. The droid's tactical computers and programming compelled it to attack its master as part of his training. Furthermore, the battle computers led PROXY to believe that it was the ideal moment to attack his master, kill him, and thus fulfill PROXY's programming. Consequently, he transitioned to the next programmed sequence in his droid brain, which was that of Maris Brood.

Thus, Galen was forced to contend with the combat styles of enemies he had previously defeated, as PROXY constantly altered his form to employ new tactics against his master. This included transforming from Brood back to the Shadow Guard, and to General Rahm Kota, as well as Shaak Ti. Despite a valiant effort, Starkiller managed to overcome each incarnation of PROXY. Weary and determined to complete his mission, Galen instructed PROXY to shut down, as there was no one inside him that he had not already defeated. However, the droid requested his master to acknowledge his efforts, stating that there was one combatant he had studied who might defeat him. To that end, PROXY's holographic appearance and stance transformed into that of the Sith Lord Darth Maul.

A fierce battle ensued between the two, with Starkiller gaining the upper hand by breaking PROXY's Darth Maul's double-bladed lightsaber in half. Subsequently, Galen hurled the droid against a nearby wall and used the broken lightsabers to impale PROXY through his shoulders, disabling him. With that accomplished, Marek proceeded to complete his mission.

Achieving Success

Marek spots the falling Star Destroyer after destroying the orbital shipyard.

On the exterior of the Imperial ore facility, Galen's task was to overload the accelerator to destroy the orbital shipyard. To achieve this, he had to reach four towers equipped with rail gun tracks that facilitated the projection of refined ore into space. This was a challenging mission, as numerous stormtroopers of various types were guarding the towers and attempting to kill Starkiller. In the control room, he also encountered a Shadow Guard who served as the head of the facility. He then engaged the guard in a duel and hurled him into the molten refined projectile just as it was being prepared for launch.

Once the various tasks were completed, Starkiller witnessed a molten refined projectile being launched from the cannon, striking the orbital shipyard and destroying it. However, the threat was not yet over, as a single Star Destroyer was released and began plummeting toward the ore facility. The ship was not falling directly onto the Imperial base but remained in low orbit, utilizing its TIE fighters and weapon batteries to eliminate the suspected Jedi Knight. Galen attempted to flee but was informed by Rahm Kota that he would not be able to escape in time and was instructed to use the Force to pull the massive ship into the ore cannon. Marek initially doubted the feasibility of such a task but, at Kota's urging, attempted to accomplish the feat.

Despite being under attack by TIE fighters, Starkiller used the Force to redirect the Star Destroyer, causing it to crash into the ore facility, destroying both.

The Aftermath

Starkiller narrowly escaped with his life as the Star Destroyer crashed into the junk-filled landscape. He promptly informed a concerned Rahm Kota that he was alive, who in turn instructed him to return to the Rogue Shadow so that they could continue their campaign against the Empire. From the wreckage, Galen was surprised to find his droid companion PROXY still functional. Helping the droid up, Marek learned that the worried droid was distressed as he believed himself to be useless, as his primary programming—which compelled him to attack Starkiller—had been erased. A relieved Galen assisted the holodroid as they returned to the ship.

The destruction of an Imperial shipyard, a symbol of the Empire's power, demonstrated the possibility of defeating them to those political figures who opposed Palpatine's rule. Consequently, they assembled secretly at Corellia to issue an open Declaration of Rebellion.

Behind the Production

The mission's details varied between the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3 versions of the game; this article seeks to integrate elements from both versions. The duel against PROXY is absent in the PS2, PSP, and Wii versions of the game, while the battle against the Shadow Guard at the Ore Cannon's controls is not present in the PS3 or Xbox 360 version of the game. Furthermore, while Starkiller destroys an Imperial Star Destroyer in all versions, only the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game feature a playable sequence for this event; all other versions depict Starkiller destroying the vessel in a cutscene.

