The Imperial Ore Facility, also known as the Sienar Refinery, represented an industrial complex utilized by the Galactic Empire on the planet Raxus Prime.
The Imperial Engineering Corps erected the facility, which stood as one of two crucial installations on the world. A construction yard in orbit served as its counterpart, employed in the production of the Empire's formidable Star Destroyers. The ore facility, a ground-based operation, was situated amidst the junkyard landscape of Raxus Prime, dedicated to the collection and transportation of vast quantities of processed ore to the orbiting factory.
This ground-based structure employed hundreds of smelting plants, which channeled processed ore into a large gravity cannon to launch the material into orbit; there it was captured by the enormous orbital construction facility that used it to build starships.
At the time, it was among the Empire's most critical military projects, guarded by a full legion of elite troops.

Following the demise of Jedi Master Kazdan Paratus, the planet's legion of droid soldiers collapsed, becoming inert junk due to the absence of the Force to animate them. This enabled the Empire to establish a presence on the planet and exploit its significant resources for their war effort.
Galen Marek was dispatched to Raxus Prime again with the objective of sabotaging the ore facility's gravity cannon, intending to direct the reprocessed ore toward the orbiting construction facility and destroy it. During his mission, he encountered a member of the Emperor's Shadow Guard assigned to protect the factory, but he defeated the guardsmen, sending him plummeting into the molten ore as it was launched into space.
The ore obliterated the orbital factory, and a Star Destroyer subsequently crashed into the ore facility, inflicting damage and potentially destroying it.