Battle of Fresia

The Battle of Fresia, an early and pivotal clash in the Galactic Civil War, is significant as it marked the Alliance to Restore the Republic's initial deployment of the X-wing starfighter.


A Rebel task force was dispatched to Fresia with the objective of securing four X-wing starfighter prototypes, their location having been disclosed to the Alliance by dissenting scientists from the Incom Corporation. The unexpected presence of the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Tyranny in orbit around the planet complicated the mission.

The leaders of the Rebellion Ackbar, Garm Bel Iblis, Mon Mothma and Bail Organa study the T-65 X-wing starfighter.

To draw the Tyranny back to its post at the Kuat shipyards, an operation was necessary, leading to a space battle above Kuat. Even after this success, the Alliance still faced the challenge of navigating a network of sentry drones deployed by the Tyranny around the Fre'ji system before its departure. This final Imperial defense was bypassed when the Rebels managed to steal landing codes from an Imperial uplink station on Wayland. This was achieved during the Battle on Wayland by a ground team protecting the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO. R2-D2 managed to register Alliance vessels as attendees of the Incom nationalization ceremony, granting them landing clearance upon arrival at Fresia.

To reach the X-wing storage facility, a convoy of Rebel pilots had to traverse the Imperial controlled space surrounding Fresia. The Wayland registration ploy worked, and the Alliance task force received landing authorization without engaging the Imperial Navy in orbit.


Rebel forces assault the Imperial power generator.

The Incom facility, located on a sandy archipelago, saw the Alliance task force deploy in the south. The Rebels swiftly breached the Imperial garrison, achieving complete surprise. Although a heavy turbolaser battery guarded the facility's southeastern approach, the Rebels navigated shallow waters to the less defended western entrance.

Following the deployment of additional troops and a Y-wing bombing raid on the Imperial base, the Alliance initiated a full-scale assault. The base's power generator was quickly destroyed, leading to the swift collapse of the rest of the Imperial facility, including an Imperial officer academy and command center. A small contingent of tanks and infantry was also dispatched to defend the area between the turbolaser towers and the landing zone. As the Rebel pilots approached the X-wing prototypes, Imperial forces launched a final counter-offensive, deploying AT-ST walkers and TIE maulers and revealing concealed anti-aircraft turrets. However, these reinforcements were rapidly overwhelmed by the Rebel ground forces, allowing the Rebel pilots to launch from Fresia and escape with the rest of the Rebel task force.


Prototype X-wing starfighters evacuate an Incom facility.

The X-wing prototypes acquired from Fresia paved the way for the Alliance to commence mass production of X-wing starfighters, a design that would serve with distinction throughout the remainder of the Galactic Civil War and beyond. The X-wing soon demonstrated its value at the Battle of Turkana, where it triumphed over prototype Imperial TIE/IN starfighters of comparable capability. This exceptional fighter was crucial to the Rebellion's later successes, ultimately becoming the preferred starfighter for elite pilots such as Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles.

Following the battle's conclusion, Captain Antilles advocated for the liberation of Fresia from Imperial control. However, Mon Mothma overruled this proposal, arguing that it would make Fresia an easy target for the Empire and endanger its inhabitants.

Behind the scenes

This battle is featured as the third mission in the Rebel campaign of the 2006 video game Star Wars: Empire at War.

Some have suggested that the raid on the Incom facility depicted in the comic, Darklighter, is the Battle of Fresia. But it is more probable that it was a subsequent mission to procure more X-wings. The planet's name is never mentioned in Darklighter. The comic shows a much larger number of the craft, and it is implied more than once that Incom has moved beyond the development phase and begun manufacturing the craft, whereas Star Wars: Empire at War states there are only four prototypes. In contrast, the illustration of the battle in The New Essential Chronology shows five. Also, the comic depicts far less resistance.

In Empire at War, after victory is achieved, Captain Antilles desires to liberate Fresia. However, Mon Mothma vetoes this, stating that it would be too tempting a target for the Empire. Despite this, the player can still choose to seize control of the planet (which is easy, as the planet is completely undefended at this point). Also R2-D2 and C-3PO can participate if the surviving members of the Battle on Wayland task force join the Fresia assault force.

