Battle of Garqi (Clone Wars)

The Battle of Garqi occurred in the waning days of the Clone Wars.

The battle

In this conflict, clone troopers representing the Republic engaged with battle droids from the Confederacy of Independent Systems. A regrettable incident occurred when the Republic forces mistakenly bombed a Garqian farm. Subsequently, General Traavis dispatched Aiwha Squad with the mission of locating any surviving civilians and transporting them to a refugee camp for medical attention.

Aiwha Squad discovered a sole survivor, a young boy named Evan. The commandos then escorted the boy through enemy-controlled lands, saving him from a dangerous homing spider droid and ultimately delivering him to a Republic base. During their journey, the boy became acquainted with the clone commandos, gaining insight into their unwavering commitment to following directives.

Order 66

Upon arriving at the Republic base, the commandos reported to General Traavis. He praised their efforts and informed them that he had received news of General Grievous's death, suggesting an imminent end to the war. As Evan bid farewell to the clone commando Sarge, Order 66 was issued. The commandos then carried out the execution of the Jedi General before the boy's eyes. RC-1013 informed him that the Jedi were traitors and had to be eliminated, as per their orders.

