Battle of Kalla VII

The Battle of Kalla VII transpired in the early stages of the Galactic Civil War, as an integral component of Operation Skyhook.


Amidst the Rebel Alliance's efforts to pinpoint the location of the Death Star, Alliance Intelligence uncovered that Imperial vessels were utilizing the base situated near Kalla VII for resupply and repairs en route to the Death Star. General Jan Dodonna put forth a proposition to obliterate the Imperial installation, thereby isolating any approaching ships destined for the battle station and rendering them susceptible to capture.

The battle

The strategy encompassed three distinct phases: the destruction of the base itself, the execution of a raid to eliminate the target ship's escorts and render it vulnerable, and the subsequent disabling and capture of the ship.

First stage

A squadron of starfighters was assembled for the battle's initial phase, with Keyan Farlander at the helm, leading three X-wings from Red Squadron to eradicate the base.

The mission achieved success when the Rebels annihilated all supply containers, the defensive minefield, and a pair of BFF-1 bulk freighters belonging to the Diputs group. As the Rebels geared up to depart, the Imperial EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Priam emerged from hyperspace, resulting in the demise of Breth Gart due to an unusual collision when his fighter impacted the ship.

Second stage

With the Priam now marooned, the Rebels readied themselves to engage it. To safeguard the stranded vessel, the Empire promptly dispatched three CR90 corvettes from the Dar Es group to provide protection and also deployed a minefield surrounding the ship. A Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transport was additionally deployed to deliver provisions and personnel. Concurrently, the Rebels formulated an assault plan to neutralize these defenses. Two R-22 Spearheads from Blue Squadron were assigned to confront the Priam's TIE fighters, while two Y-wings from Red Squadron, once again under Farlander's command, were tasked with obliterating the corvettes utilizing their proton torpedoes.

All three corvettes were swiftly eliminated, as was the approaching transport, and the Rebels retreated, leaving behind only the minefield and a limited number of TIEs to defend the Priam. One R-22 was lost during the clash, but a subsequent rescue mission successfully retrieved the pilot, who had managed to eject.

Third stage

With the escort forces neutralized, General Dodonna issued the command for Alliance Special Forces to execute a "board and capture" operation targeting the Priam. The Rebels deployed an entire squadron of Y-Wings from Gold Squadron to disable the Priam, initiating attacks in two groups of six. Keyan Farlander, having recently returned to the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Independence from the preceding mission, promptly launched to bolster the operation, piloting the sole available craft, an R-22 Spearhead.

Farlander acted swiftly to eliminate the few remaining TIE/LN starfighters before they could pose a threat to the Y-wings and then proceeded to destroy the minefield while the Y-wings employed their ion cannons to incapacitate the Priam. The Priam mounted a final counterattack, launching two TIE/sa bombers, but they were swiftly destroyed as well.

After sustaining significant Y-Wing losses, the Priam was ultimately disabled. The Y-wings withdrew as the Special Forces team advanced with transports from Assault group, carrying commandos to board the frigate. Upon capture, Lambda-class shuttles from Panda group delivered the new crew for the ship, while transport group Jordi supplied provisions. With all transports aboard, the Rebel forces, accompanied by the newly acquired frigate, jumped into hyperspace.


Despite Farlander's absence from the scheduled flight roster for the battle's concluding phase, Commander Lagrane acknowledged during his debriefing that Farlander's actions had contributed to minimizing Rebel casualties.

Upon scrutinizing the frigate's database, the Alliance discovered that the Death Star was positioned above Despayre. Corvette group Ethar was dispatched to the Horuz system to conduct an investigation.

