The conflict known as the Battle of Kuat transpired in 3637 BBY during the era of the Galactic War, pitting the Sith Empire against the Galactic Republic. Under the command of Admiral Zasha Ranken, the Imperial Forward Command launched an assault on the planet of Kuat. The objective was to seize control of the world's abundant shipyards belonging to the Republic-aligned Kuat Drive Yards. Leading the defense of Kuat was Admiral Bey'wan Aygo commanding the Republic First Fleet.
The Tactical Flashpoint: Kuat Drive Yards, featured in the Galactic Starfighter Digital Expansion released in 2014, centers around the Battle of Kuat. Notably, it holds the distinction of being the inaugural Tactical Flashpoint introduced to the game.
This particular battle encompassed a variety of objectives, such as infiltrating a hangar, eliminating enemy resources and armaments, neutralizing cannons targeting the player's fleet, liberating allied prisoners of war, and constructing a starship from three distinct components to engage the opposing fleet. The concluding phase involved either eliminating a high-ranking enemy officer (Major Benes/Lieutenant Krupp or Master Khoris/Lord Modo) or destroying the Station Guardian One droid.