A conflict transpired on the planet Metalorn in 19 BBY between the Separatist holdouts and the Galactic Empire, which was formerly known as the Galactic Republic. This clash occurred following the Imperial victory on Diado. The Imperial 12th Sector Army, led by Admiral Adar Tallon and General Jan Dodonna, successfully overcame the Separatist holdouts' forces at Metalorn.
This [battle] was a component of the Sy Myrthian Insurrection, an Imperial campaign aimed at expelling the remaining forces of the Condeferate military from the vicinity of Sy Myrth and the Kreetan Narrows region. This followed the holdouts' defeat by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. The Imperial triumph at Metalorn preceded another victory during a siege that took place on Sy Myrth.
The first mention of this battle appeared in The Essential Guide to Warfare, a comprehensive guide to the wars of the galaxy, which was written by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart and published in 2012.