Battle of Mon Calamari (disambiguation)

Battle of Mon Calamari may be a reference to the following events:


Clone Wars Era

Imperial Era

  • Invasion of Mon Cala: The Galactic Empire's military occupation of the planet Mon Cala. This includes:
    • Battle of Dac City: A conflict in Dac City around 18 BBY, pitting the Galactic Empire against the Mon Calamari monarchy.
    • Attack on Bergon's sky-base: A subsequent battle where the Mon Calamari forces successfully destroyed Imperial Colonel Bergon's aerial landing platform.
    • Defense of the southern polar regions: Raddus' efforts to defend the southern regions of Mon Cala.
    • Skirmish in Bel City: A battle that occurred shortly after, taking place in Bel City between the Galactic Empire and the Jedi Ferren Barr, along with his followers.
    • Duel in the Royal Command Bunker: A confrontation between Ferren Barr and Darth Vader within the Royal Command Bunker.

Galactic Civil War Era

First Order-Resistance War Era


Clone Wars Era

Imperial Period

  • Subjugation of Mon Calamari

Galactic Civil War Era

  • Heurkea operation
  • Calamarian Revolt
  • Rescue at Mon Calamari
  • Ambush at Mon Calamari
  • Defense of Mon Calamari
  • Battle of Calamari
  • Attack on Mon Calamari

Yuuzhan Vong War Era

Second Imperial Civil War Era

Darth Wredd's insurgency Era

  • Liberation of Mon Calamari Shipyards

This page serves as a disambiguation, aiding navigation by listing different pages sharing a similar title. If you arrived here via a link, consider correcting it to point directly to the appropriate page.
