Battle on Ord Mantell

The conflict referred to as the Battle on Ord Mantell, alternatively named the Battle of Ord Mantell, unfolded on and around Ord Mantell during the Clone Wars. It pitted Maul's Shadow Collective against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. This battle was the brainchild of Maul and Mother Talzin, who suspected a plot by the Sith and Separatists to expose and eliminate Talzin. The strategic objective of the battle was the capture of Count Dooku and General Grievous, achieved by drawing them into a carefully laid trap on Ord Mantell.

Maul, in collaboration with his Shadow Collective allies, including Death Watch, the Black Sun, and the Pyke Syndicate, orchestrated the ambush. Just prior to the arrival of the Separatist forces, a contingent of Nightbrothers commanded by Viscus arrived aboard a transport dispatched by Talzin as reinforcements. As combat commenced, Shadow Collective forces clashed with the battle droid army on the planet's surface. Simultaneously, Maul ascended into orbit and infiltrated Grievous' command ship. After Maul presented Grievous with a choice between compliance and death, Grievous deactivated his droid army, leading to the cyborg general's capture. Meanwhile, Dooku initially triumphed over the Nightbrothers but was subsequently apprehended by Shadow Collective forces.

Following the battle's conclusion, Maul communicated with Talzin, who conveyed their imminent plan to capture Darth Sidious and exact revenge upon the Sith.

