The Battle of Phaeda is recorded as having transpired in the year 11 ABY.
Following his escape after the Attack on the Imperial Royal Guard Academy, Kir Kanos sought refuge on the relatively peaceful planet of Phaeda. After Kanos engaged in a violent confrontation within a cantina, resulting in the deaths of several Imperial officers and an entire stormtrooper squad, he was directed by Tem Merkon to a secure location utilized by the New Republic. There, he was introduced to Commander Mirith Sinn, who oversaw the Republic's clandestine operations on Phaeda.
However, news of the disturbance reached the local Imperial commander, Colonel Xexus Shev, and subsequently Central Command, where Redd Wessel informed Carnor Jax. Jax initially instructed Shev's forces to remain idle until his own fleet arrived. However, Shev—desperate to impress Jax and conceal the corruption and incompetence of the Phaeda garrison—launched an assault on the Republic cell after Merkon betrayed their location.

Shev's forces initiated a flanking maneuver, initially overwhelming and surprising the New Republic base. However, Kanos—clad in his complete Royal Guard armor—entered the fray, eliminating numerous Imperials and shifting the battle's momentum. He even intervened to save Sinn from an impending attack by a TIE interceptor. Subsequently, New Republic forces retreated to the planet's Collo Fauale mountains. Following the revelation of their location by the traitor [Tem Merkon](/article/tem_merkon], the Imperial vessel Emperor's Revenge began an orbital bombardment of the mountain range.
When Lord Carnor Jax redeployed the Emperor's Revenge to Yinchorr, he delegated the bombardment to Commander [Vivant] aboard the Steadfast. Commander Mirith Sinn, the leading figure in the New Republic's Phaeda operations, reached out to New Republic High Command, securing the promise of reinforcements. Rogue Squadron, flying both E-wings and B-wings, emerged from hyperspace and engaged the TIE fighters assigned to the Steadfast, facing odds greater than 2-1. This marked their first engagement since being reorganized into a multi-fighter unit.

As Sinn boarded a captured Skipray Blastboat and joined the orbital battle, General Wedge Antilles arrived in the system aboard the Super Star Destroyer Lusankya. This prompted Vivant's forces to surrender. Phaeda was subsequently liberated when the Lusankya deployed hundreds of ground assault teams to the planet's surface.