A conflict transpired on Rodia amidst the Yuuzhan Vong War.
During their advance toward the Galactic Core, the Yuuzhan Vong launched an invasion of Rodia, utilizing the world to disrupt the Corellian Run, a significant galactic trade route extending from the Core to the Outer Rim. As a prominent member of the New Republic, Rodia was specifically targeted by the Yuuzhan Vong.
To advance their conquest of Rodia, the invading extragalactic aliens implanted a Yammosk within the planet's mantle. Subsequently, Yuuzhan Vong forces committed a brutal massacre of numerous Rodians and obliterated Rodian cities. Rodians who succeeded in escaping Rodia became refugees fleeing persecution.
Soon after the battle, Master Shaper Taug Molou initiated a series of experiments aimed at transforming Rodian captives into lethal warbeasts to bolster the Yuuzhan Vong's efforts. The violent nature of the Rodian species served as partial inspiration for the Master Shaper. He disassembled his Rodian experimental subjects at the cellular level, reconstructing their genetic code with elements from other organisms. This experimentation led to the creation of the Vagh Rodiek—unthinking warbeasts that moved on crab-like legs and possessed sharp, half-meter long bone scythes instead of arms. Furthermore, their natural head-spines were mutated into razor-sharp quills. While this deviated from the established procedures of the Shaper caste, the Vagh Rodiek's combat effectiveness led to the overlooking of this transgression. Subsequently, Warmaster Tsavong Lah himself arrived on the planet to supervise the "breaking" of the Rodians.