Battle of Scyva

The conflict known as the Battle of Scyva took place in the region of Wild Space. It involved the Eternal Empire originating from the planet of Zakuul, occurring a number of decades prior to the year 3630 BBY. The Knights of Zakuul, the Empire's organization of Force-sensitive combatants, were involved in this battle, which was named after the Zakuulan god named Scyva. During the battle, both the mother and father of a young Indo Zal perished. As a result, Indo was subsequently raised by his sister, Kalya.

Behind the scenes

The 2016 Digital Expansion for the 2011 BioWare video game, Star Wars: The Old Republic, called Knights of the Eternal Throne, contained a mention of the Battle of Scyva within the Codex entry dedicated to Indo Zal.

