In the year 3962 BBY, amidst the Mandalorian Wars, a battle occurred within the Ambria system as the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders launched an invasion into Galactic Republic space. During that year, the Mandalorians began Mandalorian Triumph, an operation designed to seize the Core World of Duro. A specific element of that advance saw Mandalorian forces traveling from their own space to the Vena system. Subsequent to capturing Vena, the Neo-Crusaders moved through the Japrael system, where they previously captured the planet of Onderon earlier in the conflict, to gather soldiers from Dxun, Onderon's moon, before proceeding towards Ambria. Following the Mandalorian's successful capture of the system during the battle, they captured the Zel system and then proceeded to conquer several additional systems as their advance towards the Core Worlds continued.