In the year 3962 BBY, amidst the ongoing Mandalorian Wars, a clash occurred in the Vena system, situated within the Nojic sector of the Expansion Region. Here, the Galactic Republic and the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders were locked in combat. This confrontation arose from the Mandalorians' campaign to seize multiple worlds, with the ultimate goal of capturing Duro, a Core World. This offensive, known as the Mandalorian Triumph, saw the Mandalorian forces advance from their own territory through the Nazzri system, which fell to them before they initiated their assault and subsequent victory in the Vena system. Following this triumph, the Mandalorian forces journeyed through the Japrael system, the site of their earlier capture of Onderon, to unite with forces stationed on Dxun, its satellite. This consolidated army then seized the Ambria system as they pressed further towards the Core.
The reference book The Essential Atlas, authored by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry and released in 2009, makes reference to the battle that occurred in the Vena system.