Vena system

The Vena system, a stellar neighborhood in the Expansion Region, housed the planet known as Vena; a star system of note.


The Venans, who were descendants of early Hapan explorers, traditionally maintained an independent and isolationist stance regarding their system. They remained unaffiliated with the Galactic Republic, despite a positive relationship and occasional trade with the nearby Hapes Cluster.

In 3962 BBY, the Galactic Republic found itself engaged with Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders within the Vena system during the Mandalorian Wars, a prolonged conflict between the two factions. This battle arose because the Mandalorians were advancing through numerous worlds with the goal of conquering the Core World of Duro. This offensive, known as the Mandalorian Triumph, saw Mandalorian forces advance from their territory through the Nazzri system, which they seized before launching their attack and securing a victory in the Vena system. Subsequently, the Mandalorian forces proceeded through the Japrael system, where they had previously taken the planet of Onderon, to meet up with forces stationed on Dxun, its moon. The combined army then claimed the Ambria system before advancing further Coreward.

Around 57 BBY, the ascent of Baron Kindoro and Baroness Omnino to positions of power on Vena resulted in a transformation of their traditionally isolationist stance. Kindoro and Omnino, having served as ambassadors to both Coruscant and Alderaan, were inspired by their exposure to outsiders to implement economic deregulation and an active foreign policy, including trade agreements, to ensure the Venan royal family had access to various goods.

This significant change provoked anger among many Venans, who resented the fact that only the royal family seemed to benefit from the economic opening. The commoners demanded a return to isolationism and traditional values. The regents, unwilling to concede to popular demands, imprisoned the leaders of the movement and confined them to labor camps. This action intensified tensions and spurred the rise of terrorism and sabotage targeting Venan nobility.

This conflict worsened following Kindoro's death, as Baroness Omnino proved to be even more ruthless than her husband. She engaged in open, bloody war against her subjects for years, until her own death in 37 BBY.

