
Kindoro held the title of Baron governing Vena. His death occurred in the year 49 BBY, an event that left his wife, Omnino, a widow, and his offspring Sando without a father. Omnino held the Jedi Order accountable for his passing.


Around 57 BBY, the ascent of Baron Kindoro and Baroness Omnino to positions of authority on Vena brought about a change from the historical isolation that the system had traditionally upheld. Given their previous roles as ambassadors representing Vena on both Coruscant and Alderaan, Kindoro and Omnino's interaction with external cultures spurred a move towards economic deregulation and an active foreign policy. This included establishing trade agreements aimed at ensuring the Venan royal family had access to various goods.

This dramatic change stirred up resentment among many Venans, who felt that the benefits of the economic liberalization were exclusively accruing to the royal family. The general population demanded a return to the prior isolationist policies and traditional values. The ruling regents, refusing to yield to these popular demands, responded by incarcerating the leaders of the movement and forcing them into labor camps. This action heightened the existing tensions and contributed to the rise of terrorist activities and acts of sabotage directed at Venan nobility.

The situation was further inflamed by Kindoro's passing, as Baroness Omnino demonstrated herself to be even less forgiving than her late husband, initiating a brutal conflict that spanned several years against the people she ruled.

