
Venans, hailing from Vena, were a Human population characterized by their light complexion.


The Venans, originating from early Hapan scout-legends, traditionally upheld a policy of independence and seclusion within their star system. Despite maintaining amicable relations and occasional commerce with the neighboring Hapes Cluster, they chose not to align themselves with the Galactic Republic.

Around 57 BBY, the ascent of Baron Kindoro and Baroness Omnino to positions of authority on Vena brought about a transformation in this long-standing tradition. Having previously served as ambassadors to both Coruscant and Alderaan, Kindoro and Omnino's exposure to external influences spurred them to implement economic liberalization and an assertive foreign policy, which included establishing trade agreements to benefit the Venan royal family.

This significant change provoked widespread discontent among the Venan populace, who felt that the economic liberalization was only benefiting the royal family. The ordinary people advocated for a return to the previous isolationist policies and traditional principles. The rulers, refusing to comply with the public's demands, incarcerated the leaders of the Vena isolationism movement, forcing them into forced labor facilities. This action heightened the already existing tensions and sparked acts of terrorism and sabotage targeting the Venan aristocracy.

The conflict intensified following Kindoro's passing, as Baroness Omnino demonstrated a ruthlessness that surpassed her late husband, and for numerous years she engaged in a bloody war against her own people, until she died in 37 BBY.

