
title: Baroness Omnino

Baroness Omnino, a Venan female, reigned as the sovereign of Vena during the twilight years of the Galactic Republic.


Rise to power

Around 57 BBY, the ascendance of Baron Kindoro and Baroness Omnino to positions of authority on Vena disrupted the historically isolationist stance that the system had consistently upheld. Their prior roles as ambassadors to both Coruscant and Alderaan inspired Kindoro and Omnino to implement economic deregulation and an active foreign policy, featuring trade agreements, to ensure the availability of goods for the Venan royal family.

This drastic transformation ignited the ire of numerous Venans, who deeply resented the exclusive benefits reaped by the royal family from the economic liberalization. The populace demanded a return to isolationism and traditional values. The governing regents, refusing to yield to popular sentiment, responded by imprisoning the leaders of the dissenting movement and consigning them to forced labor camps. This action intensified existing tensions and spurred the rise of acts of terrorism and sabotage targeting the Venan nobility.

The situation deteriorated further with Kindoro's passing, as Baroness Omnino demonstrated herself to be even more ruthless than her late husband, engaging in a brutal conflict against her own people for several years.

Kindoro's death

Omnino in full dress on Coruscant

The death of her husband in 49 BBY left her the sole parent of a son, who would become Baron Sando. Master Qui-Gon Jinn was tasked with protecting her husband while traveling through Republic Space. After the baron's heart gave out, Omnino held Qui-Gon responsible for his demise, developing a deep distrust of the Jedi Order.

Some years later, the Baroness endeavored to discredit the Jedi and seize influence within the Republic. Initially, she employed a mysterious mind control device to stage a false assassination attempt on herself upon her arrival on Coruscant to initiate membership talks for Vena. This move secured her support within the Republic while simultaneously discrediting the Jedi who were charged with ensuring her safety.

Prior to this, she had furnished a small-time con artist named Taxer Sundown with a similar device and dispatched him to govern the Ten Mile Plateau on Ord Mantell in her name. Empowered by the mind-control device, he masqueraded as a Jedi, thereby alienating the local population from the Jedi Order. Alongside Baron Sando, he was also assigned to oversee the deportation of sentient Mantellian Savrips, which the Venan nobility prized as a delicacy.

Omnino is beheaded by Jinn

The Baroness, feigning romantic feelings for Qui-Gon, dispatched him on a mission to rescue her son, who had gone missing following a pirate attack. Unbeknownst to her, the vessel he traveled on also carried captive savrips. Thus, quite inadvertently, she also placed Qui-Gon and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, on the path to uncovering her activities on Mantell, which they promptly brought to an end. Concurrently, she exploited her artificial mind control to manipulate Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, effectively controlling him.

Shortly following the demise of Sundown and the collapse of her Mantellian operation, she journeyed to the Ten Mile Plateau to personally eliminate the Jedi interlopers. However, it seemed she had developed genuine affection for Qui-Gon, as he managed to persuade her to allow him to join her cause. This sentiment was not reciprocated, however, as the Jedi seized the first opportunity to betray her and decapitate her. With the principal conspirators now deceased, the remnants of her scheme quickly fell apart.

