Battle of the Corridor

The Battle of the Corridor unfolded in 0 ABY within the Feswe Corridor, pitting the Rebel Alliance against Imperial troops commanded by the House of Tagge.

The battle

Baron Orman Tagge and Doctor Silas Tagge schemed to deploy the Omega Frost, a cutting-edge superweapon, to instantly freeze the Alliance Fleet as it navigated the Feswe Corridor. Their strategy, however, was foiled when the Rebel Luke Skywalker used his lightsaber to obliterate a conductor tower of the Omega Frost from the depths of space. With the superweapon rendered useless, the Rebel forces, spearheaded by the Millennium Falcon, successfully traversed the asteroid corridor. They then proceeded to eliminate both Silas Tagge's Mining Explorer and the battlecruiser of General Ulric Tagge. Despite the destruction of his warship, Ulric Tagge successfully fled in an escape pod.

